New Look and Blær
From my first shoot for Blæ
As you may have noticed I have changed the look of my site! I think it is just a whole lot cleaner and way nicer but there are still some things I am working on (like the "about" link, I never seem to know what to write about myself so I might as well hire someone to do it for me!)
I have been shooting for Blær web-magazine and shoot for two articles for the latest issue.
All the articles are in Icelandic though so if you are a foreigner who really wants to read them you could get someone to translate them for you (Google translate not recommended for other than laughs about super bad translations) or just learn the wonderful language that the Icelandic tongue is.
NN Makeup School asked me to photograph the final assignment for one of the students and the photos are not up yet but I am super excited to put them online.
I'm doing a shoot for the great guys at rvkstyle this weekend and am also pretty excited for that one.
Lots of irons in the fire at the moment! Happiness all around!
Until next time,
Birta Rán