
2014: Recap

oh 2014 - you have been fun!
And this is a long one, hope you make it through!

Last January I assisted a good friend and a very talented photographer Magnús Andersen in a couple of photoshoots and that was good fun and very inspiring.

Potato-quality behind the scenes photos I shot on my phone of Maggi in action:


Here you can see Maggi's photos:

I also got really crazy in buying gadgets and other things. I bought a Canon 5D Mark III that I loooove and also started renting a studio downtown that has been so great!


It didn't end there with the gadgets though, I also bought (used this time) Canon 17-40mm lens and it's my first in the L-series from Canon, finally!

And yes, Lúlli loves my stuff, she also loves moving around in the background, silly bunny.

I did many fun and exiting projects this year such as the posters for the play Fyrirgefðu ehf, Food&Fun and many other events for The Icelandic Festival Guide/Hátíðahandbókin.



It was also a time for me to get a name card for myself - at last! So I ordered some


In March I photographed the runway on RFF, it's probably one of the most fun-but-hard days I have had photographing events since I was running around in between shows, uploading photos on my computer so the RFF-fashion-blogger could upload a recap about the show that JUST finished.
Then I stayed up all night after the show itself to finish the post-processing on the photos and some of them ended up on Vogue Italy and Elle Italia. Way cool!

I did a photoshoot with students of Reykjavík Fashion Academy, one with a couple of fancy dogs and models, the other with some great models and wardrobe. Both series can be found on my site.

I graduated in May and was so super happy with my graduation project, Heroin(e).

I did events such as DrusluganganSecret Solstice and ATP over the summer as well as I photographed all the event photos for the political party Samfylkingin in this years elections in Reykjavík. I also went to get a tattoo at the Reykjavík Tattoo festival, the bird-theme continued.

We had a few bunny-moments this year, a friend of mine gave us a call that she found an injured bunny on the parking lot at her school and since she was biking asked us to pick her up. We came to their rescue.
The bunny, Sunna, was a beautiful brown lionhead mix that unfortunately did not make it through the night but we tried our best to make it's last moments as good as they could have been, she was simply too far gone, a pet bunny that some family had gotten rid of in the Öskjuhlíð, being a pet rabbit she has no knowledge of what is okay for her to eat and what not so she got clogged up by something she found and ate, went to the parking lot and sat there, waiting to die, alone and scared until my friend found her.
Sorry for this but I don't think anyone deserves this kind of treatment, be it animal or a human.


BUT instead we decided to adopt another bunny for Lúlli to play with, introducing Lubbi!

In August I started to photograph for the amazingly beautiful web-magazine Blær.
I haven't really put the photos on the blog or my site but my photos can be found on my Blær-profile.

Me and my siblings also met up in the summer and recreated a photo from few years ago:

I decided to do the photography-course at Reykjavík Fashion Academy again since the photographer Saga Sig and stylist Ellen Lofts were teaching it and I learned A LOT. Whole lot of fun and met some great people, stylists and photographers.

I went abroad twice this year. First to Denmark with Nova (I started working there in June) and later with Jón Atli, Katrín and Sveinn.
In London we went to see The Book of Mormon by Trey Parker and Matt Stone (known for South Park) and oh my god it's the funniest play I have ever seen. Totally a must-see if you are in London or New York and enjoy going to the theater!

Later in the year I covered two festivals/big shows, Rokkjötnar (for the Icelandic festival guide) and Iceland Airwaves Music festival (for the festival itself).

I also did a photoshoot with Una Stef that ended up as a video!

In the beginning of December I assisted Saga Sig shooting a new campaign photo for JÖR by Guðmundur Jörundsson.

My Behind the scenes photo:

Saga's final photo for JÖR:


I also did a photoshoot with Helga Karólína from CoolCos Iceland. My photos can be found on their facebook page as well as in the store at Smáralind:

I did a lookbook for Sigga Maija with such an amazing team!

Jón Atli and I also did some modelling ourselves this year, the wonderful and super talented couple Styrmir Kári and Heidís took our photos here in Skagaströnd (where I am currently writing from) and wow, they are all so wonderful!

(c) Styrmir Kári and Heidís Photography

(c) Styrmir Kári and Heidís Photography

This year has been so much more than I could have imagined and I am so excited for what 2015 will bring.
Thank you to everyone that has shared a talk, smile, joke or a beer with me in 2014.

Hopefully we may have many good moments in 2015!


My favorite person in the world is here in the living room with me, playing some beautiful music.

Thanks for all!
Birta Rán